I always find it surprising how much effort it takes to apply natural-looking makeup. If you watch professional tutorials, it is a multi-step, multi-product process to end up looking like you did very little. Well, according to a new study that polled 2,000 women, the average woman has eight beauty secrets that she keeps from her partner and uses to look naturally beautiful. This looking naturally beautiful thing is unnaturally hard. So what kinds of secrets is the average woman keeping for her love interest?
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The top 20 beauty secrets that women keep from men are:
- Pluck / Shave hair from toes
- Pluck / wax hairs from chin / face
- Pluck the odd hair from the body
- Wax or dye moustache
- Remove hard skin from feet
- Wear body slimming underwear
- Pluck eyebrows
- Wax / shave bikini line
- Pluck hairs from nose
- Cleanse, tone and moisturize
- Cut toenails
- Teeth whitening
- Use anti-aging creams
- Put toothpaste on spots
- Apply a face pack
- Wax / shave under-arms and legs
- Wear chicken fillets
- Exfoliate daily
- Eyelash and eyebrow tint
- Use anti-cellulite cream
Now, none of these beauty secrets surprise me, but what does surprise me is that the average woman goes to lengths to keep the ugly beauty truth from their partners. Why all the secrecy?
According to a spokesperson for the study commissioned by feelunique,
This study shows just how private women are about their beauty regimes. No-one wants their partner to think they aren't naturally beautiful with wonderful smooth skin. And many intend to remain tight-lipped about their bathroom habits forever more.
This study just goes to show that while I share many beauty rituals with the average woman, I am totally unlike the average woman in that my husband knows all about my so-called secrets and I feel no shame about it. Shoot, as I get older and my eye-sight gets worse, I expect him to speak up and remind me to trim my nose hairs or suggest I comb them over to cover my bald spot.
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