Perfume ad featuring plus-size model is the best thing we’ve seen in years

I'm all for supporting female empowerment and self-love. That's why when I saw Jes Baker's latest project, I loved every part of it. The Militant Baker blogger behind the "Attractive and Fat" campaign created "Lustworthy," a mock perfume ad with a twist.

What you normally see in perfume ads are models and waify women. Instead Baker decided to use herself, a plus-sized woman, alongside a good looking man in her mock version to promote positive body image.

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Baker had the help of photographer Liora K to execute her photo series project and, boy, were the results beautiful. Baker took the traditional setting of a perfume ad of a seductive woman, skimpy lingerie, an appealing backdrop, and of course a hot man.

The only difference is instead of using a tall and thin model, she used herself. "Never in our culture do we see sexy photo shoots that pair nontraditional bodies with traditionally attractive models," Baker said. She pointed out that normally when a woman doesn't fall under society's beauty standards, she is mocked on TV or in movies.

"It's socially acceptable for same to be paired with same, but never are the different types of bodies positively mixed in the world of advertisement," she explained of her societal concerns.Therefore she decided to develop what she hopes will influence the rest of the advertising world. She wants women of all sizes to feel as attractive as the rest of the women the media promotes as "perfect".

"The visible fat woman, who is unafraid of her obvious beauty and magnetic sexuality is a woman I want to see around. And after we expose these aforementioned body biases and unlock the oppressive lies we have learned, she can be everywhere. Lustworthy is for her," she wrote on her blog.

What an amazing concept! I love how she promotes positive body image and wants us to realize that the size of our body does not determine our beauty. We have enough on our plates as is and the last thing we need is to try and live up to what society expects from us. You can check out her AMAZING photographs below and prepare to be emotionally touched.

Image via The Militant Baker

Lustworthy 1

The Militant Baker

Lustworthy 2

The Militant Baker

Lustworthy 3

The Militant Baker

Lustworthy 4

the Militant Baker