Around 28 stunning contestants paraded in bikinis, showing off their amazing curves in a beauty contest held in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. But the surprise? We're not talking about women here, folks! The Miss Trans Brazil 2013 competition is filled with proud transvestites and transsexuals who were all born men. Looking at their hot bods you'd never think so. I'm telling you, some of these ladies have more hips than me! But that wasn't the only controversial part of the pageant!
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Organizers from the Transgender Association for the State of Rio de Janiero (RIO ASTRA) offered the winner for the first time ever a transsexual operation from male to female in Thailand. The problem is the sex change operation is actually illegal in Brazil. Who would have thought, right?
Organizers were instructed to change the prize, but instead managed to strategize around it. "We did not directly offer transgender surgery as a prize. We presented the award as a gift voucher with the option for the winner to do what they want with the money in Thailand," the President of ASTRA, Marjorie Marchi, said. "It will be entirely up to them. It means, the victor can either undergo a sex change or have the best cosmetic facial and plastic surgery in the Far East country."
The pageant's winner, 21-year-old model and escort from São Paulo Raika Ferraz won the all-expense-paid prize but claims she's not interested in undergoing the surgery. "I love being the way I am," she said.
Raika may have chosen not to get the surgery done, but I still don't understand why there was so much controversy over the sex-change operation to begin with. Brazil is over here throwing a competition that's supposed to empower the transvestite and transsexual community and yet it's against the law in Brazil for people to undergo a sex change. That's nuts (no pun intended)!
These men–or should I say women?–look just as beautiful and feminine as any other chica out there. Shoot, some of them are have even bigger nalgas than the women from the Brazil's Miss Bumbum pageant, an annual contest to find the woman with the sexiest ass in the country. So if these trannies want to fully transform into women that's their prerogative. No one should have the right to tell them what or what not to do with their bodies!
Image via MailOnline