Tired of being stopped and told by random strangers to smile? Chances are you suffer from a common condition known as "B#tchy Resting Face." It's pretty much when a woman looks angry or sad for no apparent reason. I'm not going to lie, I'm definitely guilty of walking around with this face, like ALL the time.
Listen, it would happen to you too after years of commuting on the crowed NYC subway system.
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This hysterical new skit produced by Broken People on YouTube explains the "Bitchy Resting Face" affect and it struck a chord with tons of women. The skit was created by Taylor Orci, a writer and comedian along with her boyfriend, Jared Nigro, also a writer and performer. "Bitchy Resting Face," is the most succesful sketch they've created so far, it was uploaded only three weeks ago and already has around 800,000 views.
For some women, a frown is their default, "normal" face. If anything what really upsets us is when some stranger feels the need to tell us to smile or ask you why we look so upset. Ugh! I can't tell you how much that annoys the living daylights out me.
Taylor just wants to let everyone know that if they happen to see a woman with a "Bitchy Resting Face," just leave her alone. She doesn't want to be bothered and she's well aware of her face.
I'm so glad this video exists, because seriously, people must be warned. I swear when it's not the guy that normally serves my Starbucks it's a random stranger on the train asking me if I'm okay. Leave me alone, this is just MY FACE! Plus, wouldn't it be way weirder if I was walking around with a biggest Kool-Aid smile all day? Yeah, thought so…
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v98CPXNiSk
Image via YouTube