A Korean mother has totally reshaped her daughter's face and you won't believe with what. This mother, who was seen on popular Korean show Martian Virus, explained how when her daughter was born she thought she was so ugly she started suffering from postpartum depression. But instead of spending tons of money on plastic surgery to improve her daughter's appearance she tried an extremely unusual beauty remedy.
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Apparently this woman thought her daughter was ugly even as a baby, as disturbing as that may sound. She was so worried that her kid would grow up unattractive and with a large, round face, that she began to reshape her daughter's face using a spoon. Yes, a SPOON. Once her daughter hit 2 years old, the mother began a massaging routine that took place practically everyday. The goal was to make her daughter's face smaller and slimmer, give her a pointed chin, and give her double eyelid folds. She would massage her face everyday and take a chilled spoon and massage it over her eyes for about 20 minutes a day.
Isn't this so insane? First of all, it's disturbing to me that the first thing a mother would think once her baby was born is that she's ugly. Who actually finds their own baby ugly? And so ugly to the point she felt she needed to totally reshape her face. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard of!
Oh and it gets crazier. She still hasn't stopped. The mother has continued the weird massage regimen even now that her daughter is 16 years old, and it's still on a daily basis. Can you believe this? After seeing the before and after pictures of her daughter I honestly don't even really see a difference. The kid was beautiful when she was little and she's still beautiful now, round face and all. So it's almost like she put her daughter through all this for absolutely nothing.
Just think about how this must affect this kid's self-esteem. To know that her mother needs to consistently massage her face on a daily basis in order for her to be beautiful is pretty darn traumatic. Someone needs to intervene and get this mom a therapist because the only one who has a problem here is her!
Image via Kotaku.com