A woman obsessed with plastic surgery injected her face with cooking oil after doctors refused to give her any more silicone. The DIY beauty treatment left former Korean model Hang Mioku's face permanently disfigured even after having more 10 surgical operations done to fix it. It's so devastating to see so many young, beautiful women out there destroying themselves with plastic surgery. There really needs to be a worldwide law that obligates and PAYS for women to seek psychological evaluation before undergoing any serious cosmetic procedures.
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Mioku was completely obsessed with the idea of having smooth, "soft" skin. She started getting injections on her face when she was around 28 years old, but after a multitude of surgeries, doctors refused to do any more. Some doctors even suggested she seek psychiatric help. According to the Daily Telegraph, Mioku's parents had her seek treatment for her possible mental disorder, but because it was too expensive for her to keep up with, she eventually stopped and slipped back into her obsessive pattern.
She somehow managed to find a doctor who was willing to give her a syringe and silicone of her own to self-inject. But when she ran out of silicone, she went for 7 ounces of cooking oil. The cooking oil made Mioku's face so enlarged and distorted that her parents could barely recognize her. Wow. I'm sorry, but that doctor should totally go to jail!
Her tragic distortion was featured on a Korean television show that lead viewers to donate money to help pay for corrective surgery. But after more than 10 operations, Mioku still remained disfigured. She expressed regret and claimed that she wished she could get her old face back. The former model now works at a recycling clothing shop, called, The Beautiful Shop in Korea.
It really saddens me that this woman not only ruined her beautiful face, but she essentially also ruined her life. She went through all these surgeries to improve her looks because she was professional model, and now she doesn't have her old face or her career. All she has is a face so distorted her family can barely recognize her. It's troubling that she wasn't able to continue with her psychiatric treatments and get the help that could have possibly help avoid this tragic incident from happening in the first place. So sad!
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Owlv-3ni_Os
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