When it comes to vintage shopping, most chicas don't think to look online. But you'll be surprised how many benefits come with getting your vintage pieces on websites rather than in thrift shops or boutiques. It's cheaper, sustainable, and a great way to connect with others through fashion. Read on for some super unique expert tips we guarantee you've NEVER read!
Read more in ¿Qué más? How to shop vintage (& score!) like a pro
With so many sites out there, it's hard to know where you can score the best deals. So I had a chat with Sammy Davis (pictured here), Vintage Expert and author of The 100 Best Vintage Shops Online, to get some tips on where to snag some of the best old treasures at the best prices. Check out a few of her pro tips below!
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"Vintage jewelry is really the best way to wear jewelry, it’s very timeless and you don’t need a size to wear it," says Davis who highly recommends vintage costume jewelry. "While it may not be gold or silver, you’re still buying top quality pieces because they were made domestically." She suggests to always have a goal and look for sites that include good photos and are willing to talk to you on the phone. Davis likes sites like Etsy MaeJean Vintage for one-a-kind pieces that come at an affordable price.

"Buying vintage bags is the way to go because they’ll last," she says. Davis suggests checking out MyDarlingVintage.com. "The stuff on this site is affordable because there’s no overhead like there is with stores."

"When it comes to clothing my number one tip is know your measurements. Know your waist, your hip width, and your bust," says Davis. "Look at sites that are specific about their measurements and don’t be afraid to message these sites if you have questions." For dresses, she suggests sites like Thriftedandmodern.com, that include dresses from the 1950s all the way up to the 90s.

For all of you germ-phobes out there, you might be interested in dead stock shoes. "Dead stock or new old vintage, is when a brand goes bankrupt and sells their remaining stock," says Davis, who claims a ton of vintage online shops sell dead stock shoes, in other words never been worn vintage shoes at pretty nifty prices. Her favorite pick? Etsy Honey Talk. They have over 100 different shoe options, including a number of dead stock pairs, and amazing policies.

"People like to express themselves with their eyewear, so why not get them vintage?" she says. Davis claims you can easily find designer lenses at great prices and a lot of them have never been worn. "Next to jewelry their the easiest to clean and restore so you can have them for a very long time." Check out Giantvintage.com.