Anorexia__ has become a huge problem within the high fashion modeling industry and Star Models, a modeling agency based in Brazil, is calling it out with their newly released Anti-Anorexia ads with the tagline, "You are Not a Sketch, Say NO to Anorexia." There's nothing like an incredibly powerful image to FINALLY get a point across!
Read more ¿Qué más? Girls as young as 6 years old suffering from anorexia & it's frightening
The inspiring ads display just two images each: a picture of a model in a fashion design sketch alongside a picture of a "real model." The sketched model is drawn with the kind of exaggerated proportions and long lines you'd see on a fashion sketch/illustration. While the "real" model that's positioned on the right, is depicted with very similar, if not the same proportions. Even though the models have obviously been airbrushed to look just like sketches, it's still scary to see how much they ACTUALLY resemble real life runways models.
Eating disorders within the fashion industry have become a wide-spread issue that's been going on forever, and yet amazingly enough still hasn't really improved. The difference is that now people are really trying to take strides to end it. Images of self-imposed starving models send a disturbing message to women that being super skinny is beautiful, no matter how unhealthy you may be. Not to mention, think about how this affects young girls who idolize these fashion models. There's absolutely nothing beautiful about starving yourself and being anorexia-thin–nothing!
Graphic anti-anorexia ad campaigns like this one are a great way to raise awareness about this serious issue. The fashion industry needs to understand that not only are they allowing these models to risk their lives, but that it negatively affects real women everyday. This ad definitely hits the nail on the head. Now I'm just hoping it triggers some serious change.
Image via Buzzfeed.com