When it comes to advertising, American Apparel doesn't really seem to get it. This has to be the fifth time they've found themselves in a conflict with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) over one of their racy ads. I seriously feel like they're incapable of creating any other kind of ad. In fact, it was just a few months ago that they were under fire for featuring underage models in incredibly graphic images. Believe me when I tell you that the latest skin-baring photos are just as (if not more) tasteless!
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The first ad that prompted conflict shows a model's lower half in thigh-high socks and a leotard. Doesn't sound too bad? Wait until you see the graphic sexual poses that come with that. I'm talking every basic sexual pose you could possibly imagine: legs wide opened, down on the knees, body turned sideways … have you had enough yet?
So as you could imagine, these images lead to a number of consumers sending complaints to the ASA. The second image, known as the "Meet Trudy" ad, shows a model wearing nothing but an oversized sweater with her legs straight up in the air and bare ass out. I get that sex sells, but help me understand how these trashy ads are going to prompt anyone to buy any of these pieces? I want a sweater that's going to look good with my skinny jeans, not paired with my naked lower body.
If this sounds all too familiar, it's because American Apparel has made quite a number of ads just like this. In fact, I've actually seen worse images on their website, if you can believe that. You'd think by now they'd finally get the picture. How hard is it to understand that using advertisements that sexualize young girls and present women in exploitative ways is NOT okay?
The ASA has cited both of these ads as being "overly sexual" and is trying to ban them from ever running "in their current form" again, but American Apparel isn't trying to have that. They even posted the "Meet Trudy" on Facebook and Twitter and asked their followers if they agree with the ad being banned. They seriously need to just give this whole sexual marketing strategy a rest and find a new approach to promoting their products. Because frankly, we're all getting kind of tired of seeing young girls' nipples, crotch and ass every single time we log onto the site.
Image via Americanapparel.com/Twitter