So many things change when you become a mom. I'm sure many of you are well aware of this fact. I mean starting with your body—eal women's bodies, at least, not supermodels like Alessandra Ambrossio or Adriana Lima (and soon Gisele Bundchen… God, what is it with these gorgeous Brazilian ladies?).
Besides the wider hips and newly gnarly belly button (it used to be so cute…sigh…), there are other changes that come. Like sartorially, for example. There are five things that I wear today that I wouldn't be caught DEAD wearing pre-pregnancy (henceforth called pre-Sebastian, or P.S.).
Below is my confession…
Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 irrational fears I had when my baby was first born
1. Stretchy clothes. I used to love tailored pants, pencil skirts, and body-con dresses before I got pregnant. I actually used to eye stretchy clothes with disdain, appropriate only for teens and cheapy clothing stores. Well, let me tell you–lycra and I are BFFs now! I actually bought a pair of stretchy waist pants that I wear with dressy shoes and tops. Like I'm dressed up! Don't judge.
2. My maternity clothes…still. Speaking of stretchy clothes, there are just certain items from my maternity gear collection that I just can't part with and refuse to give up wearing. The pants for example. I have come to realize that I'll probably never fit into my old pants ever again. I am still trying to lose that extra weight, but even if I did, my body has changed in such a way, that I think they wouldn't fit right even if I were to go back to my P.S. weight. I'm wearing a pair of maternity cords right this very second. Shhh…but hey, they fit, and I'm comfortable, and for now, that's all that matters!
3. Grandma panties. Although my husband hates it, I can't give these up, they're like my guilty comfy pleasure. It all started after my C-section. The hospital provides these special panties that don't hit right at the incision—and they're the most comfortable things ever, especially during the time that any little movement or pressure down there sent pain radiating through my entire body. I just wanted to replicate that feeling, besides the fact that the incision took forever to heal and actually hurts for a long while after—it still does.
4. Ugg boots. I can just hear many of you mamis groaning right now. Honestly, Uggs were my best friends throughout my winter pregnancy, especially when my feet became swollen like tamales and wouldn't even fit into sneakers. Today I have no excuse except that I kinda got hooked on the warm, fuzzy, teddy bear-ness that lines these easy to pull on and off boots. They're just perfect for a new mom on the run. You will find me in my Uggs all weekend long. I'm almost not ashamed to admit that.
5. Puke, pee, and poo as the latest accesories. Yup, the little stains of spit-up, pee, and poo are my go-to add-ons these days. Okay, the poo was just once, but when you're trying to rush out in the morning to work, only to discover that your adorable baby just took an epic dump, clean him in warp speed, and be on your way. Sh!t happens, sometimes literally!
Image via UggBoy♥UggGirl/flickr