So remember last week when we went all berserk about Valeria Lukyanova, aka the "Human Barbie?" Well it turns out the Ukrainian model and internet sensation might just be a fake after all. According to TheDirty.com, Lukyanova has been using Photoshop to make herself appear more doll-like. To prove this is in fact the case, the site posted a video that Lukyanova had uploaded herself which displays a very different and less Barbie doll-looking appearance.
I have to admit this really doesn't surprise me all that much. When I first peeped the pictures of her while surfing the internet, it was hard for me to believe she was achieving this look with makeup alone.
Read more ¿Que Mas? 'Human Barbie' Valeria Lukyanova poses for V Magazine!
I just can't understand why someone would go through so much trouble to convince people into thinking she naturally looks like a Barbie doll. Seriously, there's nothing cute about that! Why would anyone want to have cartoonish sized eyes, Barbie doll features, and an insanely disproportionate figure? Beats me! And to be honest, I'm not really buying the whole "I haven't had plastic surgery" claim either. There's absolutely nothing natural-looking about this chick, but she seems to think that looking unnatural equals looking beautiful. Sorry, chica, that's not really case!
I'm actually a little surprised that she put out a video that sort of proves she isn't as doll-like as she wants us to believe. In the video, Lukyanova's eyes are no where near as large as they appear in her photos. Her nose is not as thin and her complexion not as porcelain.
Oh, and did I mention she sounds COMPLETLY insane in her video? The wannabe Barbie explains to her viewers why her head is always tilted. She claims it's because her neck is too thin and fragile to hold her large head in place. Are you kidding me? How far are you going to take this whole Barbie doll thing Lukyanova? Last I checked, Barbie dolls were created for KIDS to play with, they were NOT made for women to idolize!
Toys are not supposed to resemble real people. Take the Bratz dolls for instance; do you know a real human being that looks like that? I hope not, because that would be the scariest thing ever! Hopefully Lukyanova will have a reality check sometime soon. Or even better, seek some psychological help. In the meantime I might just hold back on getting my little cousin Barbie dolls this year for Christmas.
Check out the video of Lukyanova below:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jaGOaxgVrA
Image via Valeria Lukyanova/facebook