When it comes to Halloween costumes, there is something for everyone–from funny to sexy to plain cute. Lately, though, the number of costumes that are a bit too much–too sexy, too revealing, too ridiculous–have totally surprised me. Some, like the ones below, are just straight-up inappropriate, for various reasons.
I know I may be a little conservative when it comes to Halloween (and I'll admit, I'm not big into dressing up!), but I'm the first one to give props to anyone with a creative, smart disguise (last year, I was blown over by a subway-riding Optimus Prime and a hot dog vendor dressed up as…a hot dog!). So I'm a little disappointed by the many offensive dress-up choices that I saw out there this year in my search for my own little guy's first Halloween costume.
Take a look at the ones I found, below, and I beg you, please think twice if your costume of choice is on this list!
Read more ¿Qué más? The most ridiculous Halloween costumes I've EVER seen! (PHOTOS)
King Dong Penis
Not only is this costume overtly sexual, but why does it have to come in "Black"? The offensiveness doesn't stop there, though, because the guy modeling it on the U.K. site that sells it is in blackface. When are people going to realize it's NEVER okay to be in blackface–ever, ever, ever, for any reason?
Kid Zombie
I’ve already ranted about how wrong little boys’ gory costumes are–this year they’re available in sizes that fit boys as young as 4! And this zombie one is just another example. Little boys just should not be killers, zombies, or any of these crazy demonic things! It’s enough to give any toddler nightmares.
Police girl
It’s definitely cool to encourage little girls to be career women, and even to dress up as unconventional career choices, like cops or superheroesl. But this costume? Sexualizing and making a little girl’s costume be a sexy cop only reinforces the stereotype that this is the only way for them to be cool and different!
Wet T-shirt contest winner
…I have no words… Really, do I need to say much? Just look at the picture–how could any self-respecting woman wear this stereotypically sexual costume?
Suck Me lollipop
As unimaginative as it is stupid, I hope whatever guy has the balls to wear this gets kicked in them too.
Big pink vagina
This costume worked for the Republican National Convention protests, does not work for Halloween–especially if worn by a guy. Dudes can’t wear this with any sort of dignity.
Extra Credit
That’s nice, sexualize a young girl’s school uniform by making it ridiculously skimpy–and make it even grosser by calling it “extra credit.” I think they mean "extra skanky."