Matching clothes for Mom and daughter is now cool thanks to new H&M line (VIDEO)

While many may disagree with me, I think its soooo adorable when Mom and daughters or Dad and sons dress in matching outfits! I can totally see myself one day being THAT parent, showing up to holiday parties with my kid dressed just like me. So you can imagine how excited I was when I heard about H&M launching a new 'Fashion Family' line that 100 percent advocates mother-daughter matching the way they dress!

Don't get me wrong, though: when it comes to couples or just adults in general, I find the whole matching-outfits thing to be kind of ridiculous. It's a huge no-no in my book! But I've never seen the harm in a little kid (under 10 years of age, of course) wanting to dress up like their parent. Shoot, it's about time this adorable trend is finally embraced!

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No ugly matching Christmas sweaters or striped PJs here! The retailer recently launched its limited-edition collection, which features stylish adult pieces along with ADORABLE  mini-me versions, including everything from skinny pants and leather jackets to fedoras and chic sunglasses. Honestly, celebrities match with their kids all the time. Take Jessica Alba for instance, who's been spotted more than once with her daughter Honor dressed in adorably matchy-matchy outfits.

I'm sorry, but I totally ADORE this idea, especially around the holidays. Seriously, what can be cuter then collaborating on your style with the kiddos? Now, I have to admit, pulling this off in a cute and non-cheesy manner isn't always easy. But that's why I love this new line, because it creates just the right balance between cute and chic, so you don't look like you're trying too hard (even though you still kind of are). Most folks don't have the time to shop and dress in coordinated outfits. Honestly, who does? But this line makes it super easy!

Check out the promotional video below for more information on this new line.

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