Um, so when we were checking out Christina Aguilera's amazing performance of "At Last" at Etta James' funeral over the weekend, we couldn't help but notice that something was amiss__–as in she seemed to have some sort of brownish liquid leaking down her leg.__ Of course, a bunch of crude blogs jumped to the conclusion that Aguilera must have spontaneously gotten her period. I'm not even going to really justify that assumption because this is a grown woman who is clearly capable of handling something that happens to her Every. Single. Month. I mean, come on people!
However, I did feel some sympathy when her publicists were forced to address the matter and admitted that Christina had suffered a serious fake tanner mishap. There will always be the doubters, but I have heard many a story of super embarrassing fake tanner fails.
For example, one night my friend went home with this very cute guy. After spending a steamy night with her new paramour she woke up the next morning MORTIFIED to see that her fake tanner had essentially dyed his sparkling white sheets a weird and very unnatural shade of orange-brown. She was, in fact, so embarrassed that she threw on her clothes and ran out of his apartment before he even had a chance to wake up!
Another one of my girls once got a spray tan right before picking up her baby from day care. She put him in his Bjorn and went home snuggling him close and didn't give it a second thought when he fell asleep against her chest…until she got home and realized a few hours later that half of her babies face now looked like Pauly D from the Jersey Shore! I still giggle just thinking about it (and thank the Lord that I will never need to use fake tanner, suckers).
Anyhow, point being that we all are victims from time to time of our own beauty blunders. At least now my friends can take solace in the fact that they're not the only ones who have suffered a mishap due to fake tanner. I mean, if one of the biggest pop stars in the world is publicly copping to her fake tanner faux pas, how bad can they really feel at this point, right? At least there weren't a million cameras there documenting their embarrassments!
So, mean bloggers, lay off of Christina–she had a really tough 2011 and seems to be starting off 2012 on the right foot!
Do you believe that Xtina's streaking was caused by fake tanner or do you think it was something way grosser?
Image via Getty Images