If you have overripe bananas and you have no idea what to do with them, I have the perfect receipe to share. I really don't like to waste any food, so I cherish this dish my abuelita taught me. All our abuelas knew how to economize and take advantage of every ingredient to the max. And this dessert showss that–it's delicious and ready in less than 10 minutes.
Read more ¿Qué más?: The truth about fruit juices that will SHOCK you
It's easier and faster than making banana bread, this dish involves browning ripe bananas in a little bit of butter and serving while they're still warm with a scoop (or two!) of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.
If you want to, you can even flambée the bananas with rum or tequila, but I only do that if I have guests I want to impress! To keep it simple, I make it the way I'm about to tell you. I'm sure you and your kids will love it.
Banana dessert with cinnamon
Makes 4 servings
8 ripe bananas
2 tbsps butter
1 tbsp brown sugar
Whipped cream
To make:
1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and melt the butter.
2. Brown the bananas in the butter for about 2 minutes, and sprinkle a dash of ground cinnamon.
3. Turn the bananas carefully so they don't come apart; sprinkle a bit more ground cinnamon and sprinkle brown sugar. Cook 2 more minutes.
4. Turn once more so the sugar cooks for 1 more minute.
5. Transfer the bananas and the sauce, sliding them out of the skillet and onto a serving platter.
6. Serve with whipped cream
Image via Enriqueta Lemoine