Kim Kardashian is human just like the rest of us. Shocker, I know. The 34-year-old reality star, who is 4 months pregnant with her second child, has been struggling with morning sickness in the worst way and airing out her woes on Twitter. As an expecting mom myself, I give Kim kudos for keeping it real about the not-so-cute parts about pregnancy. Kim says it like she means it–even if it is about feeling like you need to barf at every minute of the day. She even admitted to gaining 20 pounds in her pregnancy. Can this Kim stick around after baby Kimye is born?
The best part is that she's sharing how to beat morning sickness for good. Find out Mrs. West's trick for beating the pesky symptom and ten other natural remedies that work just as well. You can thank us later.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Inside Kim Kardashian & Kanye West's new $20 million dream home!
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Diclegis medication

The reality star has finally been able to beat her terrible morning sickness with a medication called Diclegis. "I felt a lot better and most importantly, it’s been studied and there was no increased risk to the baby," she wrote.

Studies have found that 25 mg capsules of vitamin B-6 every eight hours will significantly reduce queasiness and nausea. Foods like bananas, nuts, potatoes and carrots are also a natural source of vitamin B-6.
Ginger root

Natural ginger root has been proven to help with morning sickness. Simply grate about a tablespoon of ginger root and steep with hot water. Drink the tea a couple of times a day for relief.
Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea has been known for helping soothe an upset stomach. There's no scientific proof that herbal teas help with morning sickness, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you consume.
Fennel seeds

This ingredient is a favorite in Chinese medicine and has been used to aid morning sickness for centuries. Crush a tablespoon of fennel seeds in a tea cup, pour hot water, filter seeds out and drink for relief.

Acupuncture has been known as one of the most natural effectiveness ways to relieve morning sickness. One treatment once a week is recommended to feel lasting results.

Keeping crackers by your bedside and in your purse is a must when experiencing morning sickness. It helps calm queasiness almost instantly.
Brewer's yeast

This ingredient is high in chromium, which helps soothe nausea. Mix a teaspoon with tomato juice and lemon for a refreshing twist.
Raspberry tea with anise

Herbalists highly recommend drinking raspberry tea to relieve morning sickness. If taken in your first trimester, some studies note the risk of miscarriage. Talk to your doctor before trying at home.

Tart foods have been proven to help with morning sickness. Fresh lemonade is a great holistic option to help aid the annoying nausea.
Ginger ale

The carbonated drink is known for blasting that instant need to vomit. Go with the diet option, which contains less sugar and calories.