7 Easy ways to balance your hormones & finally lose the weight

If you're having trouble losing weight, you might assume it's because of your eating habits, your poor workout regimen or just a slow-moving metabolism. And while all of these things can certainly play a role, the truth is, many times there's something more serious at work … Like a hormonal imbalance. Your hormones actually play a very large role in your weight. They control hunger sensations, cravings, feelings of fullness and, what's worse, they even dictate where your fat is gained and stored.

Sadly, if your hormones aren't in balance, that means weight loss isn't just difficult; it's darn near impossible!

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Though the only real way to check your hormone levels is to get a full blood work-up from your physician, there are some at-home ways you can use to assess your hormones. The easiest way is to examine your hunger, energy and craving sensations. If you're hungry all the time, getting cravings often or you're feeling lethargic or just not energetic enough, it could mean there's a hormonal issue at work. Lots of acne, oily skin and, for women, problems with menstruation can also indicate hormonal problems exist.

Want to get your hormones in check? If losing weight has been a challenge, despite countless diets, workouts and other attempts, then it may very well be your hormones at work. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can start to balance your hormone naturally. Just give these methods a try:

1. Eat lots of vegetables: Vegetables reduce inflammation, which can inhibit leptin production–a hormone that directly controls your appetite. Reduce this hormone, and you'll be hungrier, you'll consume more calories, and you'll gain weight.

2. Focus on the folate: To balance your cortisol levels (hormones that can lead to stress, sugar cravings and weight gain), try loading up on folate-rich foods, like asparagus, spinach and lentils.

3. Nix the sugar: Sugary foods, simple carbs and alcohol can cause insulin resistance, which means your body won't be able to turn sugar into energy. Ultimately, that means more weight gained and an uphill battle dropping pounds. To keep insulin resistance at bay, cut out added sugars and trade refined carbs for more wholesome ones, like sweet potatoes, quinoa and brown rice.

4. Work out: Just four 20-minute workout sessions a week can increase your irisin, a hormone produced by muscle tissue while at work. This newly-discovered hormone actually makes white fat behave like brown fat, so it's more easily burned and used as energy. It can also naturally lower your body's temperature, another sure-fire way to improve your metabolism.

5. Get more sun: Regular sunlight, as well as good, solid sleep, help your body produce more serotonin, a vital hormone that controls your mood and emotions. By increasing levels of this hormone, you can cut down on stress and anxiety, both of which lead to overeating, weight gain and cravings.

6. Eat more protein: Protein naturally balances your blood sugar and helps keep insulin levels in check, which means a more controlled appetite, fewer cravings and, of course, easier weight loss. Try to get 20-25 grams in every meal.

7. Cut down on caffeine: That morning cup of Joe might wake you up, but it will also wreak havoc on your endocrine system. And seeing as that system controls all the hormones in your body, this can be a huge mistake when trying to shed pounds. Replace it with a warm cup of green tea or oolong tea.

Think your hormones are off? Then try working a few of these tips into your daily life. Have more hormone-balancing tips to share? Post them in the comments.

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