Chronic inflammation is a silent killer because it's very difficult to diagnose. It happens when the immune system stops working properly and assumes that everything in the body is an infection. When something is wrong in your system, pro-inflammatory hormones summon white blood cells to attack the problem and once the situation is under control, anti-inflammatory agents take over and start the healing process. When the immune system is unbalanced, chronic or acute inflammation happens and that condition could be life-threatening.
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Watch this gallery to learn about natural ways to boost your immune system and keep it working properly to prevent inflammation. We're also going to tell you what to eat and drink when you suspect that you might be swollen. If you are already under medical treatment for acute inflammation you should stay on your meds. This slideshow is more about prevention and overall health.
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As you know, omegas and fatty acids are great for the body and are proven to reduce inflammation but you have to consume them in high quantities to see the results. Salmon, sardines and mackerel are fishes high in this good fat. Make sure to eat them baked or poached so you can reap all the benefits. If you don’t like fish, you should buy Omega-3 supplements and take at least 1000 mg a day.

White refined grains turn into sugar easily and sugar creates inflammation. To keep inflammation at bay, eat whole-grains only. Wild rice is the best to prevent and fight inflammation because it takes the body a long time to digest it. Whole-grains are rich in fiber, which reduces the level of the C-reactive protein created by the liver. When the levals of this protein are high, this creates inflammation and throws the immune system off balance.
Vitamin E

Cooked dark leafy greens like kale, spinach and collard greens have the highest content of vitamin E, which is proven to reduce inflammation. Cytokines are pro-inflammatory molecules which these vegetables pack a punch of, because of their vitamin E concentration. You can also take vitamin E supplements, but it’s better to eat the greens several times a week.
Lots of protein

If you suspect that your immune system is not working properly, you should eat protein with every meal. I’m not only talking about animal protein, but vegetables high in protein as well. It’s believed that the excess of protein will help the liver detoxify leftover chemicals in your blood stream. Chose healthy animal protein like eggs, grass-fed beef and organic chicken. Broccoli is the best choice of veggies.
Green tea

As you know green tea is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in your body. You want to make sure that your choice has the highest content of catechins possible to efficiently reduce inflammation. Make sure to drink at least three cups a day to make a difference in your body.

This is the wonder spice because it’s a powerful antioxidant and reduces inflammation. Turmeric turns off a protein called NF-kappa B which regulates the immune system and creates inflammation. In order to work on its own, turmeric needs to be consumed in high quantities. Curcuma is the main ingredient in turmeric and you can buy capsules at the health food store. Take at least 1000 mg a day to reap the benefits.
Sugary drinks

If you suffer from inflammation or you want to prevent further inflammation you shouldn't drink sodas or sugary drinks. Whether they are regular or diet, these drinks are made with high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners which are proven to raise insulin levels. High levels of insulin in the body create diabetes, which causes inflammation.