ZoeMishler is an adorable 13-month-old from Minnesota. She's all eyes, cheeks and curiosity. Recently, this little cutie was eating blueberries and later when she came across a blue laundry detergent pod, she popped it in her mouth as if it were a giant blueberry. What happened to her next is the stuff of nightmares and came close to taking her life. The photos are seriously heartbreaking…
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The laundry detergent pod burst in her mouth and caused severe chemical burns all the way down her throat. The pod caused Zoe to vomit as her airway was burning. Poor little thing!
She was rushed to the hospital where she spent a week in the ICU. I am very happy to tell you that she is now at home where she continues to recover. Although her throat is burned, her voice is hoarse and she requires the use of a nebulizer, it looks like Zoe is going to be just fine.
Let me tell you something though, if you think this is some weird random case, think again. This happens all the time. In Minnesota alone there have been 108 cases of detergent pod poisoning just from the beginning of this year until August 1 and according to Consumer Reports there have been 20,000 calls made to poison control centers about the pods since 2012.
The good news is that there have been no fatalities reported thus far. Let's keep it that way. If you use laundry detergent pods or even dishwasher detergent pods, go out of your way to keep them out of the reach of children.
These pods aren't just soap. They are toxic! They are full of all kinds of dangerous and harmful chemicals that will hurt a your child if ingested and for some reason kids seem to be really attracted to them. Store them high and keep them in sealed container mamitas, it's the only way to be sure your kiddies will be safe.
Image via Fox 9