Apparently, there is yet another human Barbie in the world. Her name is Alina Kovalevskaya and she is a beautiful 21-year-old psychology student from Odessa, Ukraine. "I look like a doll. I like big eyes, little nose, small plump lips. I love long hair. My hair is a meter long," she says.
Unlike most surgically enhanced human Barbies, Kovalevskaya says she's never had plastic surgery. Kovalevskaya's biggest concern in life is looking like Barbie. Her life is plagued by problems like living by the beach but having to stay out of the sun to protect her porcelain skin and people staring at her because she is so beautiful. How nice for her.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova eats just air & light to keep her figure
Okay, I've just got to come right out and say it … who cares? Seriously, why are women striving to look like a Barbie doll in the first place? Do they have daddy issues? Were they dropped on their heads as children? Why would any living, breathing, walking around upright human being want to look like a damn inanimate, brainless, can't bend their knees or talk or live life doll? WHY???
I am so sick of the women of the world being force-fed an image of what we are supposed to be and look like by big business companies run by men. The Barbie doll is what men think we should look like, it's what men want to have on their arm. Well, why not just sell real life, true to size plastic versions of these dolls so these misogynistic men can have their doll and pay for her too? Oh wait, they do. Sorry, about the plastic, boys, but if you want the soft curves of a real girl, you just might have to deal with the brain she has too.
I want my daughters to grow up wanting to be themselves. I want them to strive for intelligence, creativity, happiness and compassion. I don't want them making themselves crazy and developing eating disorders and plastic surgery addictions to fit some unrealistic ideal of what women should be. I want them to be the best versions of themselves. I want them to feel content in their own skin. Happy with their own achievements and not give a crap about what other men or women think of how they are living their lives.
Kudos to Ms. Kovalevskaya for being a very pretty girl and pursuing an education. From the video, she doesn't seem too over-the-top invested in the entire human Barbie persona. She's pretty. I'm so happy for her.
My question is, why is her looking like a Barbie news and the missing school girls of Nigeria and the Central American children stuck at the border about to be turned away and returned to danger not? It's because this is being written in a first world country, where we enjoy the pretty and entertaining things and many of us would much rather forget about those things that test our moral compass and ethical fortitude.
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Image via Alina Kovalevskaya/Facebook