WATCH: Disgusting video of how hot dogs are made will turn your stomach

Double dog dare you to eat a hot dog while you watch the video below made for the Discovery Channels How It's Made show. No, I'm kidding. The last thing you want to do is eat a hot dog while you watch the video. In fact, you don't want to be eating anything while watching because you may upchuck.

This particular episode deals with how hot dogs are made and it's NOT pretty. Nope, it's pretty dang ugly. Now, this information is not new. We've known for quite some time that hot dogs are not good for you. Not even the organic kind. I've avoided really looking at the process behind this processed meat because I like hot dogs and my kids like them and my kids like so few things. But now that I've seen the video I cannot unsee it and what's more I really want you to see it.

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how hot dogs are made

Basically hot dogs are made out of all the pieces of pork, chicken and beef that couldn't be sold any other way. They are heavily processed into the most disgusting looking nastiness I've ever seen in my life. Eventually they are formed into what looks like the wieners we've grown so used to seeing at ballparks, barbecues and the sidewalks of New York.

Now, it would be one thing if the nastiness that is chopped, churned and squished into a hot dog were just kind of gross, but the thing is that they are also HIGHLY unhealthy. Yes, even the organic kind.

Susan Levin, nutrition education director for Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says, "A hot dog a day could send you to an early grave. Processed meats like hot dogs can increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and various types of cancer." Eating one hot dog a day could increase your risk for colorectal cancer for by 21 percent. 

I am so breaking up with hot dogs and I am so making my kids break up with them too.

Now watch the video because my words do not do justice to the disgustingness that are hot dogs.

Images viaThinkstock, Klingon Spider/YouTube*