I think it's fair to assume that a lot of us have our suspicions about whether Kylie Jenner has had plastic surgery or not. In less than a year she went from having a slim, athletic build similar to her sister Kendall to a dramatic hourglass shape that looks just like Kim Kardashian's. Her face has obviously changed too, which is probably why she had to come clean about getting lip fillers. But I couldn't help but notice how different her face looked in a recent family photo. I could hardly recognize her!
More from MamásLatinas: 10 Signs Kylie Jenner probably had plastic surgery
If you look at pictures of Kylie two years ago and compare them to pictures of her now, you'd think it was a totally different person. Everything has changed from her body type, to her lips, her face shape, and I even have my theories about her nose. She also wears a TON of makeup (think extreme contouring), which also adds to the dramatic transformation she's experienced lately. But a recent family photo on Instagram reminded me of old Kylie. Her lips almost looked like her lips pre-fillers and she looked young, and fresh-faced. What happened you ask? I think she just chilled with the makeup. She's also smiling which is a first.
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLd6tZgFCIA/
The photo was posted on Kourtney Kardashian's Instagram page, features Kourtney, Kylie, Khloe, along with two other friends. On the corner of the photo it reads "That's a wrap! KUWTK12." Kylie's hair is also blonde in the picture, so there's no way it's a throwback. Maybe that whole thing about putting the show on hold after Kim's robbery was BS– who knows!
But back to Kylie's face. She also posted a sneak peek video of herself on Instagram from a recent Complex photo shoot. Once again Kylie's makeup looks minimal and natural-looking. Her lips also don't look as full and dramatic.
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLeK7YWj7Uf/
Could Kylie be turning over a new, less makeup-wearing leaf? I don't think she's going to do away with it all together a la Alicia Keys but there might be something brewing here. You heard it here first.
Image via Kylie Jenner/Instagram