Losing a few extra pounds can seem almost impossible at times. There are countless of fad diets that make you believe you can drop the chichos quickly, but the truth is that weight loss is a difficult journey. These are the most important lessons I've learned from way too many failed weight-loss attempts.
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A master cleanse only does so much
Trying a month long master cleanse that involves eating no solids and only drinking water with cayenne pepper and lemon juice sounds like a good idea at first, but most women don't see the longterm results they hope for. Besides, it's very easy to gain the weight back once you're done.
The wrong diet will make you binge
The fact is that you shouldn't feel like you're starving or depriving yourself. Restricting yourself is what causes you to binge later on and ultimately gain more weight.
Learn to keep a food journal
Writing a food journal will keep you accountable and really make you analyze what you're putting in your mouth on a daily basis. You don't have to obsess over it, but taking the time will help push you to picking up those healthy snacks.
Don't overdo the protein
Making sure you have enough protein in your daily diet is important, but going overboard can cause your body to store more fat. Instead, stick to having 46 grams of protein a day.
Avoid the same workout routine
You want to make sure you add variation to your workout routine. Getting stuck with the same exercises will make you less likely to follow through and stick to a workout plan that works.
Skipping meals doesn't work
Replacing a meal with a smoothie or juice won't benefit your weight loss mission in the long run. Your hunger will eventually catch up to you! Go ahead and eat what you want, but in moderation.
Not keeping your portions in check
Yes, we all love our rice and beans and traditional Latin meals, but it's important to maintain portion control when losing weight. Abuelas always want you to serve yourself seconds. Don't listen!
You can't forget cardio
Crunches and core exercises are great, but you need cardio-based exercises to really shed those pounds. Make sure you add in running, biking or dancing into your routine.
You don't quit the sugary drinks
Sugary drinks are high in calories and can even cause you to overeat. Instead, go for teas, water or a natural carbonated drink.
What you snack on matters
You managed to eat a salad and keep your breakfast and dinner light, but what about your snacks in between meals? Make sure you keep them healthy like enjoying a smoothie, fruit or veggie snack.