6 Things you need to know about cellulite

I've never understood the obsession so many women had with cellulite. That is, not until I got dimpled thighs. Despite all my efforts, the cellulite just won't go away! Considering over 80 percent of women have cellulite, you'd think there would be a cure already. Unfortunately, it's NOT that simple! Here are six things you need to know about cellulite. 

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What is cellulite exactly?


It's normal fat beneath the skin. According to WebMd, the bumpiness you see is due to fat pushing against connective tissue, causing the tissue to pucker. It's not a medical condition and it's not harmful.

Overweight people aren't the only ones with cellulite


We tend to blame our weight or our eating habits for cellulite, but even flacas can have it. Fat can worsen its appearance the same way losing weight can reduce it. But it's more than just fat. "The important thing to remember is that men don't get cellulite, but women do, which underscores that it's not just about fat, but rather about the structure of the skin. If fat were the only cause, then why wouldn't fat men get cellulite?" Dr. Neal Schultz, an NYC dermatologist and founder of DermTV told Refinery29.com.

Skin matters


Unlike men, women have naturally thinner skin which makes it more prone to puckering and developing dimples. Also, men's skin and muscles hold together with crisscrossed bands. That's why their skin is so tough. While women have vertical bands.

It's our hormones


According to Dr. Schultz our estrogen production also plays a big part in that thick layer of fat that can help create cellulite. Ugh!

Creams don't work


"No cream will get rid of cellulite," Linda Wells, of Allure magazine told ABC News. "And they don't really say that they do. What they say is 'help the appearance of cellulite.' " The trick is to look for a cream that includes caffeine, like Bliss FatGirlSlim ($12). But remember, they don't do miracles!

Massages help


Body massagers can also provide some temporary improvement. "These treatments cause so much pressure that you stretch out the bands, making them longer, so you get less puckering," Dr. Schultz says.