A 20-year-old woman from England who was nicknamed "ugly duckling" most of her life, has recently undergone a nose job. Jessica Leigh claims that because of her bullies she is more beautiful today. Apparently she had been teased since she was little for her long nose and finally decided to put an end to all the teasing with plastic surgery. But was that really the right way to go?
Read more ¿Que Mas?: Man gets nose job so he can do what!?
Leigh claims that the constant bullying was a blow to her self-esteem. "I had spent all my life feeling like the ugly duckling, I was bullied throughout school because of my big nose," she told Mail Online. "I was constantly picked on by the popular girls at school, I was made to feel different and gradually my confidence disappeared."
But it wasn't just the teasing that hurt Leigh, it was also the fact that her big nose was getting in the way of her modelling career. The girl felt so unattractive she quit taking gigs. "My modelling dreams were crushed when I saw a photograph of my side profile," she said. "I knew I wouldn't make it in the modelling world with a nose like mine, so I gave it all up," she wrote. This is so sad!
Leigh thought about having corrective nose surgery almost her whole life but didn't really consider it until one day during a yoga class. "I was taking lessons in how to teach yoga when I realized that I couldn't breathe properly. The one side of my nose had a defect that meant I couldn't pass as much oxygen through it when breathing out," she said. A few years and a ton of research later, Leigh booked her rhinoplasty procedure. Now she claims she has all the confidence in the world. "I am like a completely different person since my surgery," she said. "I smile more and I can honestly say I'm a happier person."
I'm happy that Leigh feels better about herself, but is plastic surgery really the answer? I mean, what kind of message are we sending our daughters? That if they don't feel good about their appearance they should just go under the knife? Anyone can feel more confident with a nose job, if it's done right, but true confidence comes from being able to love and appreciate yourself just the way you are. People are always going to have their opinions on how we look, which is why our confidence should never be based on what others think or say.
Image via Corbis Images, Mail Online