Fae Platten is 4 years old and has a severe nut allergy. On August 5, she was flying with her family to London, headed home from a family holiday in Spain. Fae's mom, 30-year-old Katy Platten, had let Ryanair staff know that Fae's allergy is so severe that she has a reaction from just being in the same room as an open container of nuts. Not only were nuts NOT sold on the plane, three announcements were made letting passengers know NOT to open any nuts onboard the plane. And yet, 20 minutes into the flight a man from Zimbabwe traveling with his family went ahead and opened a bag of nuts even after another passenger protested.
This man and his bag of nuts were four rows away from Fae. That was not far away enough to protect Fae. Katy says, "She started scratching her cheeks so I took her to the front and said, 'I think somebody has opened nuts.' " Fae's allergic reaction got so bad that she stopped breathing!
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Thank goodness there was an ambulance worker on the plane who always carries an adrenaline pen. She was able to come to Fae's rescue. Fae was revived with the epi pen and rushed to the hospital as soon as the plane landed.
As for the jerk who opened the bag of nuts after repeatedly being warned not to, well, he hasn't been identified, but he's been banned from Ryanair for two years. He owes Fae a huge apology for his selfish insensitivity.
I'm so happy that there was someone on the plane that was able to save that child's life. I realize that nowadays you hear about so many people having nut allergies that sometimes it's hard to believe it's true, but you should never take a person's life for granted.
I think the Plattens need to carry an epi pen with them from now on because I'm sorry to say that no matter how careful they are, I'm afraid this will not be the last selfish jerk they encounter and it's not worth risking their daughter's life over.
Image via katy.platten/Facebook