I'm willing to bet there are very few of us who actually have "enough" closet space. Even if you have a large walk-in with all the spce in the world, chances are it's still a bit chaotic behind those closed doors. I'm currently working with a small walk-in, which is by far the largest I've ever had–but I somehow I still find myself running out of space every few months.
In the quest for a more organized storage area, I've implemented several space-saving techniques that I now swear by. Below, you'll find a couple of my favorites along with a few I haven't yet tried, but think are totally brilliant.
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Use these genius ideas to get your closet in top-shape!
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Layer Hangers

This idea is just so clever, but not one I ever would have thought of on my own. By sleeping one end of soda tab over the hook of one hanger and hanging another hanger from the other end of the tab, you can pretty much double your closet space.
Use Space Bags

I don't have anywhere in my apartment to store clothing that isn't seasonally appropriate, so my closet always has clothes for every season in it at the same time. I love the idea of cutting the clutter by using space saver bags to store what I'm not using during a given season. I always assumed these were for long-term storage, but why not for just a few months?
Install a Second Bar

Since my closet wasn't outfitted with shelves, I actually bought a rolling garment rack that had an upper and a lower bar and it has helped so much. Again, doubling the space available. Just by installing a second bar in even the tiniest of closets you'll be able to fit in so much more.
Utilize the Back of the Door

I have been using an over-the-door shoe organizer to store belts, scarves, and tights for years. It takes away absolutely no space from the rest of your closet, and is incredibly easy to keep organized.
Streamline Your Shoes

Continue to utilize your vertical space by installing a few towel rods onto one of your closet's bare walls to hang your shoes. You can do this in even the smallest closets by installing them on the wall behind the main rod or on the short walls on either side. Then you'll be able to use your shelf space for other things and keep the floor clear.