WATCH: Abuelo-to-be has AMAZING reaction to his only daughter’s baby news

Get ready to watch one of the sweetest reactions to someone finding out that they are going to become an abuelo. This man literally stole my heart. The video isn't even a minute long and it is so touching it brought tears to me eyes. I have no doubt that the man in this video is going to be one of the best grandpas EVER!

I would have loved the video no matter what, but then when I read the description that was posted with it on Reddit, I loved it even more.

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The description reads: "Told my dad he is going to be a grandpa. I am his only child and my mother passed away 20 years ago. He has been asking us for grandchildren since our wedding night. I think he is happy. :)"

It's so sweet, this man is sitting there at a booth in some restaurant enjoying his food and the company he is keeping, when he opens a box his daughter gives him that has a pacifier in it. He says, "Looks like something you used to suck on when you was little." At his daughter's prompting he reads a note that is attached and it's like joy in its purest and most innocent form fills him, starting from the tips of his toes to the top of his head and then a tiny tear springs forth.

Congratulations, grandpa! I'm am so happy for you and your family. Thank you for putting a smile on my face and making me cry like a baby at the same time. Life is good!

Image via YouTube