Growing up comes with many perks, but that's no reason to stop doing some of the wonderful things that we did as children. Embrace being an adult, but never let go of your inner child. I bet you there are so many things you did as a child that would still put a smile on your face or make your life better if you just remembered to do them. How about I jog your memory a bit?
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Here are ten things we did as kids that we should still be doing as adults:
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Rock trenzas
I believe you are never to old to sport braids. Sheesh, my abuela was wearing a braid in her 80s. Even if you aren't so great at braiding your hair, you're in luck because sloppy braids are totally in.
Jump rope
Jump rope, not for the exercise although it totally counts, but for the sheer fun of it. I don't care if it is regular jump rope, double Dutch, or Chinese jump rope, just get to jumpin'.
Ask why
Kids ask why to the point of exhaustion. I'm not suggesting you do the same, but don't be shy about asking why when it needs to be asked.
Have sleepovers
Have sleepovers and I'm not talkin' about the kind you have with a romantic partner. I mean have sleepovers with your girlfriends: talk all night, giggle and bond.
Write notes
I used to love writing and passing notes. Email and texts are great, but write a note once in awhile.
Have play dates
Have play dates with your friends and family. Not a coffee date, not a dinner date–a play date! You can play cards, dominoes, jump rope or charades. It's good to play.
Make new friends
Old friends are great and total keepers, but don't stop making an effort to develop new friendships.
Ask for help
We teach our children that when they get frustrated, they should stop and ask for help. How about we do the same?
Never stop wishing. Don't just wish for things you think you can get, go on and wish for what you really want. Go on, take a second right now and make a wish! I'll cross my fingers for you.
Throw a tantrum
I am not suggesting that you throw tantrums on a regular basis because then you are being an overgrown brat, but every once in awhile when all else fails and you have had it, go on and pitch a fit, then give yourself a time out.