How can we expect children to grow up being actively anti-racist, if we never talk to them about race and systemic white privilege? We can’t leave it up to schools to do it because they don’t. It’s up to us to make sure that our children are being educated about racism and the realities of disparity in the world today. Telling them that they should be color blind and that race doesn’t matter does them a disservice when it is clear from current headlines and continuing protests around the world that people are people are still very much judged by the color of their skin. Not to mention the terrifying reality that racism can be a matter of life and death.
More from MamásLatinas: How to talk to our children about racism
Talking about racism in an educated and informative manner when we ourselves have had little formal education on the topic is daunting and uncomfortable, to say the least. Fortunately, there are many books available to help parents broach the topic with their children and learn right along with them. If your children are young, you can read books to them from the beginning of their lives that will help them embrace diversity and recognize injustice.
If you’re worried about whether your child is old enough to even be introduced to the topic, you shouldn’t be. Studies have shown that it is important for babies to start learning about racial justice. Believe it or not, racial bias in babies can start as early as 6 to 9 months of age. Yes, that’s incredibly young. So, no, it’s never too early to start teaching your child how to be anti-racist, just like it’s never too late. Please look through the following list of books we’ve compiled and share them with your children.
'Why?: A Conversation About Race' written by Taye Diggs and illustrated by Shane W. Evans is best for children ages 3-6 years old.

"Why" is a question that children ask over and over again. This book written by actor Taye Diggs uses that question that parents hear multiple times a day to discuss why buildings are burning, why people are marching, and so many more whys.
Buy it for $17.09 from Amazon.
Psst: If you purchase an item on this list, MamásLatinas may receive a small cut. Each item and price is up to date at the time of publication; however, an item may be sold out or the price may be different at a later date.
'The Story of Ruby Bridges' written by Robert Coles and illustrated by George Ford is great for kids from preschool to third grade.

The real-life story of Ruby Bridges is one that everyone in the US should be familiar with, regardless of their age. Ruby was only 6 years old in 1960 when she had to face angry mobs of parents who didn't want her to attend what had up until her arrival been an all-white elementary school.
'A Is for Activist' written and illustrated by Innosanto Nagara is great for kids 0-2 years old.

The book helps teach children the alphabet, but with a social conscience. The rhymes and illustrations introduce important concepts about racial justice and equality. Here’s an example: “C is for Co-op. Cooperating Cultures. Creative Counter to Corporate vultures.”
'Antiracist Baby' written by Ibram X. Kendi and illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky is great for kids 0-2 years old.

It will guide you through nine easy steps that you can take to create a more equitable world. For example: “Open your eyes to all skin colors. Antiracist Baby learns all the colors, not because race is true. If you claim to be color-blind, you deny what’s right in front of your eyes.”
'Where Are You From?' written by Yamile Saied Méndez and illustrated by Jaime Kim is great for kids 2-4 years old.

It’s the story about a little girl who gets asked where she is from over and over again. She’s not sure how she should respond, so she asks her abuelo. His response is lyrical and beautiful. She tells her, “You’re from hurricanes and dark storms, and a tiny singing frog that calls the island people home when the sun goes to sleep…”
'Let’s Talk About Race' written by Julius Lester and illustrated by Karen Barbour is great for kids 3-5 years old.

"I write because our lives are stories. If enough of these stories are told, then perhaps we will begin to see that our lives are the same story. The differences are merely in the details," said Julius Lester, the book’s author.
'Last Stop on Market Street' written by Matt De La Peña and illustrated by Christian Robinson is great for kids 3-5 years old.

CJ and his grandmother ride the bus together every Sunday after church. On one trip, CJ wants to know why they don’t have a car like one of his friends. Or why he doesn’t have an iPod like a kid on the bus. Or why they have to get off in the “dirty” part of town. His grandmother responds to each of his questions in a beautiful and nurturing way.
'Race Cars' written by Jenny Devenny is great for kids 3-6 years old.

Here’s what one Amazon reviewer had to say about the of the book: “The book focuses on a system that only is comfortable with one color winning and the rules are made by cars of that same color. When another car is winning they find ways to make it harder for that car- that’s my summary.”
'All Are Welcome' by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman is great for kids 4-9 years old.

The book follows a group of kids through their school day at a school where everyone is welcome. Kids come to school in patkas, hijabs, yarmulkes, and baseball caps. They learn each other’s traditions and play side-by-side.
'Amazing Grace' written by Mary Hoffman and illustrated by Caroline Binch is great for kids 4-8 years old.

Grace wants to play the role of Peter Pan at school, but her classmates tell her that she can’t because she’s a girl and she’s black. Fortunately, Grace and her imagination are unstoppable because she has a mother and grandmother who nurture and support her.
'Sulwe' written by Lupita Nyong’o and illustrated by Vashti Harrison is great for kids 4-9 years old.

Colorism exists in communities of color and shapes the way our children feel about themselves and others. This wonderful book by Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o is about a little girl whose skin is darker than anyone else’s in life. All she wants is to be as bright and beautiful as her mother and sister until she goes on a magical journey that changes her perspective.
'Skin Again' written by Bell Hooks and illustrated by Chris Raschka is great for kids 4-9 years old.

A great tool for talking about race and identity to a child. It acknowledges differences while highlighting that as different as we may be on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that matters most. From the book: “The skin I'm in is just a covering. It cannot tell my story. The skin I'm in is just a covering. If you want to know who I am, you have got to come inside and open your heart way wide.”
'Civil Rights Then & Now: A timeline of the Fight for Equality in America' written by Kristina Brooke Daniele and illustrated by Lindsey Bailey is great for kids 9-12 years old.

This book is great for children, parents, and educators. It presents facts, biographies, and the history of civil rights in America in an easy manner that is grounded in history. It’s a wonderful learning tool that includes vocabulary lists, discussion topics, and journaling prompts.
'Esperanza Rising' written by Pam Muñoz Ryan is great for kids 9-12 years old.

It’s a novel about a privileged family that experiences tragedy and is forced to leave Mexico and make their way to California during the Great Depression. Esperanza finds herself having to face struggles she could have never imagined, all while feeling unaccepted.
'Rosa' written by Nikki Giovanni and illustrated by Bryan Collier is great for kids 9-12 years old.

It’s the story of Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat to a white man on a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955. Her courageous act of peaceful defiance helped spark the civil rights movement. All these years later, she is still considered to be one of the most important figures of the civil rights movement in America.
'The Hate U Give' written by Angie Thomas is great for teens and young adults.

Starr Carter is 16 years old when she witnesses the deadly shooting of her childhood best friend by a police officer. His death gets national attention and Starr finds herself as the only witness to what really happened. She has to make choices that will affect both her and her community.
'This Book Is Anti-Racist' written by Tiffany Jewell and illustrated by Aurélia Durand is great for anyone 12 years old and up.

It provides 20 lessons on “how to wake up, take action, and do the work” needed to combat racism. Think of it as a workbook that will help understand the history of racism and give you the power, tools, and courage to actively fight against it.
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