A woman born without a womb is now getting a chance to give birth to a baby using the same womb that she herself was born from! Say what?!
In what some are calling a medical miracle, an unidentified woman with MRKH syndrome, a rare condition that prevents the womb from developing, was able to go undergo a transplant–all thanks to her own mother, who served as the donor.
Now, if she manages to successfully get pregnant, she will not only be the first woman to ever give birth from a transplanted womb, her baby will also the first to ever be born the same womb as its mother! Crazy, right?! My head is spinning just thinking about it.
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The team of doctors behind the radical procedure has conducted eight other successful womb transplants between September 2012 and April 2013 among women who suffer from MRKH syndrome. In each case, the women have to have their eggs fertilized outside of the body and then have the embryos implanted back into the womb after undoing the transplant.
Doctors have especially high hopes for this woman in particular, since they believe the fact that the womb was taken from a close relative will help increase the odds of a successful pregnancy. But since the procedure is very new, it's also very risky, both for the mom and baby. In fact, medics say there's no real way of predicting what problems it might cause later on.
Still, for women willing to take their chances, it could be a chance to do what they always wanted: to get pregnant with, and eventually give birth to, their own child.
Though there's been a lot of buzz about womb transplants lately, this is the first time I've heard of a woman using one from her own mother and I gotta say, my mind is totally BLOWN. I mean, as crazy confusing and extreme as the whole procedure sounds, the fact that the technology even exists to make this all possible is truly amazing.
And while some would argue that there are plenty of other less invasive options this woman could take to have kids (I myself am a big advocate of adoption), I really can't judge her for wanting to experience pregnancy and give birth to her own child … especially since her mother was willing to go these lengths to help her. I hope it all works out for her!
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