WATCH: The truth about being a mom will make you cry

Excuse me for a minute while I break down and sob. The last few days have been really trying for me as a mother. I have lost my patience with my children and behaved in ways that I am not proud of, picture me parenting while actually throwing a tantrum. The thing is that no matter how much I would love to be a perfect mother, I'm not, I'm a work in progress and I'm learning as I go.

When I talk to my eldest about how she came to be, I always remind her that she made me a mother. She loves that and reminds me of it all the time by saying things like, "Remember mama, how I made you a mama?" And it is absolutely true, I knew nothing about being a mother until she showed me the way. Maybe that's why I absolutely melted when I saw the video below. Get ready to melt.

Read more ¿Qué más?Some days I'm not sure that I am cut out for this mommy stuff

It's hard to believe that this video is an ad because it never overty discusses what it is promoting, instead the product, which is a a Boba baby carrier appears in the video a few times.

My children are teaching me and making me grow so much, it's challenging at times and so unbelievably beautiful. I'll tell you what, no matter how you came to be with child, it is that child that turns you into a mother. Just like this video says, mothers across the world can say to their children, "You made me a mother."

Image via Boba / YouTube