Everywhere you look today you are bound to see a fast food restaurant. It's convenient when you're in a rush for a meal that isn't too expensive, but we all know it's not the healthiest choice. The issue is we don't order from the kids menu, but instead super size our meals because it offers us the better deal. Unfortunately that better deal also contributes to the country's obesity problem and our inability to have self control.
However it looks like fast food companies have been keeping a secret from us that are causing us to eat more without even realizing it!
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Marketing plays an important role when promoting fast food and one of the ways they do that is by positioning these stores in shopping malls or streets where people will feel tempted to enter. Whether it's because they are hungry during a shopping trip or the smell of the goods struck them, they are bound to set foot in a fast food restaurant.
They also capture customers with their seating arrangements by choosing round tables as opposed to benches that prevent people from properly interacting. The other trick they use are the smells that tempt patrons as well as the music ambience in the restaurant. The softer it is, the more we are tempted to stick around longer giving us time to refill our drinks and go for seconds.
It doesn't help that fast food restaurants have found sneaky ways to make big portions seem normal. In addition to these issues, the industry knows to manipulate the public's mind. Simply by seeing food, socializing, or just because of boredom, we can easily be tempted to indulge.
It's crazy how the fast-food industry can easily trick people without them having a clue. Although it's okay to have it once in awhile, it's best to keep it at a minimum and eat in moderation. I understand that sometimes you may not have any other choice but to indulge in fast food, however, these new revelations make you question the transparency of these fast food places. The next time you're out and about you'll be aware of these tricks and maybe this time you won't fall for them!
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