The majority of women are faking it for the holidays

Let's get all close and personal, shall we? I know the holidays are crazy. There is just so much to do. Well, a new survey by The Prowl (a sister company here at CafeMom) has got me thinking about how many women prefer to go  fake it during the holidays. Now, before I give you the results, which just might surprise you, I have to tell you that my mother has been faking it for years and highly recommends it. When I asked a good friend about it she answered, "I would fake it too if my husband let me, but NOOOO!" Hmmm, I bet you he wouldn't even know the difference if she did fake it. As for me, I'm not a faker, I go for the real deal no matter how long the process or how messy. So what about you and all the moms The Prowl surveyed?

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Well, first let me be clear that I'm talking about Christmas trees and how many moms  go fake versus real. I found it surprising that out of all the moms surveyed, real didn't stand a chance. A whopping 72 percent of moms plan on faking it. Wow, ladies! I'm sure you all fake it beautifully.

Visit the full infographic that shows you a bunch of other interesting tidbits like how much money is spent on gifting particular people. You can also plan what holiday songs to play if you really want to irritate your guests into leaving early. HA! 

Whether you fake it or not, I wish you a very real season of joy!

Images via Thinkstock and The Prowl