I just came across this fantastic slow cooker recipe for sancocho and I can't wait to get my sancocho on. I did not grow up enjoying bowls of sancocho, but I can tell just by looking at the ingredients that I am going to LOVE it. Nothing, but nothing says comfort to me like a bowl of hearty soup. Also, can I just say that I absolutely love ears of corn in soups?! The corn reminds me of the delicious caldos that my abuela used to make. More soups should feature corn still on the cob.
Read more in ¿Qué más?: Mami's Sancocho can heal the world
Here's the recipe for you because I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one ready to get their sancocho on.
Crock-Pot Sancocho
1 Lb Beef Short Ribs, Bone-In
1 Lb Top Round Beef, Cubed
1/4 Lb Smoked Ham, Diced
2 Cans Beef Broth
2 Cans Chicken Broth
1 Can Water
1/2 Cup Sofrito
2 Medium Yams, Peeled and Chopped
1 Lb Yucca, Peeled and Chopped
1 Lb Butternut Squash, Peeled and Chopped
2 Medium Tomatoes, Cored and Chopped
3 Green Bananas (plátanos), Cut 1-inch rounds
3 Ears Corn Cut into 1-inch rounds
1/2 Tbs Salt
1/2 Tbs Pepper
1Tbs Parsley Dried
1 Tbs Adobo Con Azafran
1 Medium Onion Chopped
2 Diced Cloves Garlic
1 Tsp Minced Fresh Ginger
1 Tbs Fresh Cilantro
1 Tsp Ground Cumin
1/4 Tsp Paprika
1/4 Cup Red Cooking Wine
1 Cube Condimento Criollo Con Achiote
Get the full recipe directions at Cook Eat Share.
Image via giggleing gourmet/CookEatShare