It is wonderful to have the help of family when you have kids, but let this story be a warning to you if you happen to have elderly relatives who are nearsighted helping you with your kids. On Tuesday an elderly gentleman went to pick up his granddaughter at Gillingham's Napier Primary School in the United Kingdom and the school handed over the wrong kid! They handed over a little girl of the same age and with the same first name, but it was NOT this man's 6-year-old granddaughter. You won't believe what happened next.
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The abuelo didn't notice it wasn't his granddaughter because apparently he's nearsighted and doesn't know his granddaughter from a stick in the mud and the little girl was probably too confused and too shy to say anything, so they took off on the bus to a doctor's appointment where the little girl was prescribed liquid paracetamol. She was then brought back to school and returned to class.
Later when she got home, she showed her dad the prescription and he saw that it had a different last name on it and he flipped his lid. He went to the doctor's office to make sure his daughter had indeed been there and when it was confirmed he says, "I went ballistic. I was boiling inside. The first thing I thought was the worst. I had to ask my daughter the sort of questions no parent ever wants to ask, 'did he do this, did he do that'."
Fortunately, the little girl seems not to have been harmed in any way other than being taken out of class by a complete stranger. Of course the school needs to really get their shit together so that something like this NEVER happens again. How the heck do you release the wrong child to someone?
The school has launched an investigation and is reviewing practices to prevent them from putting their students at risk in such a way. DUH!!!
So parents tell your kids over and over not to go with strangers even if you have already told them.
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