Surely it comes as no surprise that I want my kids to be happy, don't you? I don't mean you want my kids to be happy, although, I hope you do. I mean you want your kids to be happy too, right? Kids deserve to be happy. So how do we raise happy kids?
Read more in ¿Qué más?: If happy kids really grow up to be wealthy kids, then mine will be millionaires
A lot of parenting for me is instinctual, I do what feels right for my family, but I'm always open to expert advice. Kaite Hurley, is a child and adolescent psychotherapist, who wrote a piece on Huffington Post called "7 Secrets of Highly Happy Children." Some expert advice leaves me feeling defeated, but this piece left me feeling good because I've instinctual been doing these things already.
Check out the slideshow of secrets to having happy children and let's not keep these tips to children's happiness a secret.
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Feed kids regularly
Kids need to eat at regular intervals. Don't let them miss a meal or skip a snack because it doesn't work out with your schedule.
Consistent sleep
Ugh! This is my biggest challenge as a parent. My kids are not good sleepers, but we still keep to consistent bed times and routines because I am determined to have well-rested children with good sleep habits.
Free play
Kids need unstructured play time where they make up their own fun and their own games. It's good for their imaginations.
Let them vent
Kids have feelings, let them. Sometimes they need to cry. Don't expect them to stuff their feelings and deal with them at a later time. They are not adults. Help them, don't just expect them to suck it up.
Let them make choices
Wouldn't it suck if you couldn't make any choices in life? Let kids make choices. My girls like to wear mismatched socks and I let them because it makes them happy.
Listen to them
Listen to your kids when they are talking to you. It's easy to be distracted, make an effort to pay attention.
Let them know they are always loved
My kids know that I love them even when I scold them because I tell them so.