Police are trying to hunt down a man who claimed to be a doctor from Venezuela and administered butt injections on a 28-year-old woman in a Miami beauty clinic that caused her death. Suyima Torres was a young mother of two who had recently started her own business and had a lot going for her.
Authorities believed this was a case of unlicensed practice of medicine and if found this man could be facing manslaughter charges. It's so sad to see someone die all in the quest for beauty!
Read more ¿Que Mas?: Woman's botched butt implants goes viral (WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES)
Suyima visited Cuerpos Health and Aesthetics in Miami, Florida where she had her first round of injections administered by the supposed Venezuelan doctor. The man had apparently used a white plastic syringe to inject a yellow, oily-like substance into her butt cheeks. She paid $1500 for the first injections and then was told to come back in six days for the second round because the man was leaving to Venezuela the following week. She returned with $800 cash for her second round of injections and almost immediately after started to feel dizzy. The woman died only 10 hours after the procedure was performed.
This is absolutely horrifying. I can't even imagine what must had been in that injection to cause this poor woman to suddenly die.
According to Suyima's mother, Coralia Espinosa, her daughter was then rushed to the hospital where, Ruth Planas the owner of Cuerpos Health and Aesthetics, accompanied her. But Ruth refused to provide any information regarding the procedure or the Venezuelan doctor who is believed to have left the country.
Cuerpos Health and Aesthetics has been closed since. Authorites are currently treating the incident as a manslaughter related to the unlicensed practice of medicine. But so far Ruth hasn't been charged with anything.
This is absolutely devastating. The crazy thing is that the man who claims he's a Venezuelan doctor is most likely going to get away with this because he fled the country. I've heard so many stories of women dying or suffering from procedures they had done in foreign countries, but to hear about an incident like this happening in the states is pretty scary. It goes to show how important it is to do your research beforehand. Had this woman really looked into this clinic and doctor she would probably still be alive today.
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