Bilingual bebés on board: 7 popular children’s songs in Spanish (VIDEOS)

Music is an excellent way to teach your kids Spanish or to get them to practice the vocabulary they already know. This is particularly true the younger your kids are, that's why so many Spanish classes for tots rely on music to teach them in a fun environment. While I've already shared some of my favorite Spanish music CDs for kids, the truth is that to get your kids signing in Spanish all you need is YouTube!

While I remember growing up with a ton of classic children's songs, I don't necessarily remember all the lyrics. But finding the songs online has surely helped!

Lee más en ¿Qué más?: Bilingual bebés on board: 5 fun board games to get your kids speaking Spanish

  1. La gallina turuleca

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  1. Los pollitos dicen

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  1. En el bosque de la China

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  1. Pin pon

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  1. Arroz con leche

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  1. Un elefante se balanceaba

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  1. Sol, solecito

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