We've heard of just about every crazy weight loss gadget out there, but have you heard about losing weight with a piece of string? This weight loss strategy comes from the Ancient Egyptians but has taken on a modern twist and is called The Malory Band. The creator, Penny Mallory says the purpose of it is to help dieters know when they've had enough to eat.
Believe it not, something tells me this just might work…
According to News.com.au , the Malory Band is a silver string worn around the waist and can be adjusted as the dieter loses weight. It is even useful once the person reaches their ideal weight since it helps them maintain their shape.
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The way it works is if the wearer eats too much, the string presses on their stomach letting them know they should stop eating. The catch is that you have to wear the Malory Band all the time, which you can thanks to the special material it's made from that prevents it from tearing, stretching, rotting, and let's you even wear it in the shower.
Although this old weight loss concept is being revitalized, Mallory says it isn't a magic potion, but instead a way to keep track of your size. She adds, "Sometimes the simplest products are the best. Its beauty is a bonus."
As Latinas we've grown accustomed to using fajas to keep our bodies in shape, but could the Egyptians have been on to something? I mean, a piece of string helping you determine when to stop eating is kind of genius if you ask me. It's such a simple concept but it seems to get great results. In fact, I think this product is ideal for EVERYONE.
We're all known from time to time to be gluttons and that doesn't do well for our waistlines. However if we wear this string underneath our clothing, we'll be reminded every time we eat when enough is enough. I don't know about you, but this sounds like something that is definitely worth a shot!
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Image via Maloryband.com