Salma Hayek manages to look smoking hot in rolos, a milk moustache, and a robe–all in her latest "Got Milk?" ad. The new ad, which was revealed earlier this week, is part of the campaign that's aimed to encourage more people to drink milk has featured the Mexican actress as their first bilingual ambassador for about a year now. I have to say, though, that this particular ad definitely caught my attention more than the others. Heck, if drinking more milk is going to make me look ANYTHING like Salma then you can bet I'd be chugging some down before you can even say "Got Milk?"
Read more ¿Qué más?: Salma Hayek reveals shocking trick to looking younger!
The second I saw the ad, I instantly thought of my Dominican mother. Growing up it was pretty common to see her walking around the house with her hair pinned in rolos (rollers), dressed in an elegant night robe and, YES, sometimes even wearing lipstick! So I guess you can say this advertisement is as Latina as it gets and that's why I absolutely love it.
Salma represents in the campaign a perfectly in-control mamá who's easily able to get through her morning routine all thanks to her milk. I mean just look at her! She's even able to pour milk in both her glass and her daughter's breakfast bowl without looking or even spilling a single drop. Tell me that doesn't sound like a Latina mom?
"Protein makes perfect. Got milk?" is the slogan. And while Latina moms may not be perfect, there's no doubt they definitely try to do it all. I'd say this campaign does a pretty great job at representing us–curves and all!
Image via Splash News