Want to know the secret to raising a smart, open-minded kid? I know I certainly do! And I'm betting this Japanese mom has figured it out: in a YouTube series called "Rino which eats world various dishes", a mom is tackling cooking dishes from various different countries and then films her daughter trying them for the first time. It's pretty much the most adorable thing EVER! Watching little Rino try a tortilla Española for the first time seriously made my heart melt.
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Clearly, this girl is one smart cookie. As she tries the traditional Spanish dish, she actually nods her approval! It's so adorable that I think I am going to get a cavity from all of the sweetness. I mean, delicious-looking food and a cute kid eating it? That's like mommy food porn!
More than that, though, I think this mom has really got the right idea. I would absolutely love to do this with my own kids, in order to help grow their palate and make sure they didn't grow up like the super-picky eater that I was. I mean, these days, I'll try almost anything! But I think it would be great to start my kids off in this way, making sure that they're of course eating a wide variety of Latino foods that I grew up with but also foods from different cultures. Plus, if my kids are THIS cute, I'll definitely be filming the adorable cooking videos, too!
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3v7WbV1R2g&feature=share&list=SPD9FE9042E28E2D6C
Image via YouTube