Woman grows BONES in her eye after a cosmetic surgery procedure

I have to admit I'm not totally against plastic surgery. If it's necessary or done in moderation, by all means go ahead. It's when it's done excessively or in a way where it can jeopardize your health or even your life, that's when I have a problem.  

I recently heard about a woman in her late sixties from Los Angeles who underwent a $20,000 plastic surgery that included a face-lift combined with injections of her own stem cells. Three months after the cosmetic procedure, the woman started to experience sharp pains around her right eye along with a strange clicking noise whenever she opened it. It gets worse!

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After being examined by an unrelated surgeon named Allan Wu, it was discovered that the area around her eye had become swollen due to small chunks of bone that were surrounding her eye. Yes, BONES! The weird clicking nose was from the bone fragments grinding against each other. Yikes! Can you imagine?

According to Dr. Wu, the stem cells that were injected in her face were her own mesenchymal stem cells that apparently turned into bone. These kinds of cells have the ability to transform into many different kinds of cells. A dermal filler that contained calcium when combined with these stem cells can actually turn into bone! Well it looks like the surgeons over at the Beverly Hills clinic where this woman had her procedure done weren't properly schooled on this.

It just frightens me to hear about all these cosmetic surgeries gone bad. The only thing I can really suggest is to make sure to do your homework chicas before undergoing any kind of plastic surgery procedure.

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