Edible deodorant may just be the worst idea ever

What if eating a piece of candy could actually make you smell sweet? That's what the new Deo Perfume Candy is saying could actually happen if you ingest their rose-flavored product, an edible deodorant

That's right, if you're not a fan of those white marks that some deodorants tend to make, then this could actually be the solution to your problems. But would you actually want to eat your own deodorant?

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It all sounds seriously weird to me to be able to actually EAT your own deodorant, but apparently that's what this company is claiming that you can do. Well, that is, if you're a 145-pound person who eats this stuff you can then expect to smell like a floral aroma for up to six hours. I honestly wouldn't ever believe this works, but this is how the company explains it, according to the Huffington Post

Geraniol is a natural antioxidant and its fragrance, once consumed as a candy, leaves the body through its pores, creating a naturally sweet smell that can last for hours.

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That doesn't really sound too bad, does it? I certainly would appreciate no longer getting those gross lines or spending so much money on powder-smelling deodorant. This edible deodorant is already available in Spain, Germany, China, Korea, and Armenia, and it may be coming to U.S. shelves soon. It's not exactly cheap, though, costing $10 each–and eating my deodorant, no matter how sweet it is, doesn't actually appeal to me that much.

Image via Beneo