Irresponsible mother tattoos 11-year-old daughter!

Every parent knows that at times, you have to play bad cop and say no when your kids ask for things they shouldn't have. No matter how much they beg for that ice cream or how many puppy dog looks they throw your way, it's your job to remain firm and set down some ground rules. Well, apparently, one North Carolina mom didn't get the memo since she recently gave her 11-year-old daughter a tattoo after the young girl reportedly asked for one! Um, is this lady crazy?

Apparently, 30-year-old Odessa Clay tattooed the outline of a small heart near her daughter's right shoulder. Clay, who is heavily tattooed herself and had her own tools, claims she wasn't aware that it's illegal to ink a minor, even with her parents' permission. Okay, sorry, but I don't believe that for one second. How can a parent not know that? It's common knowledge, not to mention common sense.

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After someone reported the incident (Clay believes it was an ex in-law who ratted her out to the police), the mother was charged with tattooing a person under 18, which she will face in court next month.

I cannot, for the life of me, wrap my head around this story, perhaps because Clay's actions truly lack any form of logic or rationalization. I'm not at all against tattoos, but I am against irresponsible parenting and this is definitely one of those cases. I don't care what anyone says, an 11-year-old is simply not old enough or mature enough to know what she wants… so the fact that her own mother thought it was okay to permanently ink her body off of her daughter's impulse is just insane.

All I can say is hopefully, her daughter really likes that tattoo because she's going to be living with it for a long time!

Image via WTCI