iPhone 5: The 8 best mobile food apps (PHOTOS)

They've just announced the iPhone 5 and I am SO excited for the new launch! Mainly, of course, because I use and abuse pretty much any and every food mobile app out there. The new features (including taking photos faster and just a better screen) are going to be great for anyone who's a huge fan of food like I am.

Just like everyone, I have my favorite apps. These are the ones that I turn to over and over again to get things done for me. All of them have a different purpose: Some are great for discovering a new restaurant, other apps are great for low-calorie recipes, and some are just good to find those ready-in-just-20-minutes-with-what-I-already-have-in-my-fridge meals for when I'm too tired to get any more creative. So here they are, the absolute BEST mobile food apps, ever!

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What's your favorite mobile food app? Share with us in the comments below!

Image via Thinkstock

For Finding a Restaurant in Your Town: Urban Spoon

Urban Spoon

Ever have one of those nights where you just can't decide where to eat? Well, with the Urban Spoon app, you can simply set the neighborhood, type of food, and your price range to find a great, new place to dine out.

For Cooking with What's in the Fridge: All Recipes

All Recipes

The best reason to download this app over other recipe apps is because the All Recipes "dinner spinner" lets you choose what you'll be making based on the ingredient. Looked in the fridge and saw that you had a ton of chicken? Simply select the ingredient, the meal (breakfast, lunch, dinnet, etc.) and how much time you have to make it and–voila! Here comes your recipe.

For Food Porn: Foodspotting

Foodspotting Inc.

Admit it: sometimes you just want to look at pretty food. Whether it's because you're hungry or looking for inspiration for what to cook next, pretty food can make you happy. That's why the Foodspotting app is simply perfect–plus you'll often find out where that gorgeous plate is from, you can head over to eat there!

For Healthy Recipes: Spark Recipes

Spark People

Trying to lose weight or simply want to make healthier meals for your family? The Spark Recipes app, made by the popular weight loss community, is available for both iPhone and Android and is simply the easiest way to lighten up those dinners!

For Ordering Take-Out from the Couch: GrubHub

Grub Hubb

Feeling like having a lazy night in but don't feel like cooking? Well, that's what ordering take-out is all about! I love ordering in sometimes but, often, I find that I don't know what my favorite restaraunt's menu is or I want to try something new–which is why the GrubHub app is perfect. Browse through local restaurant menus and order directly from your phone!

For a Huge Selection of Recipes: Epicurious

Condé Nast Digital

The Epicurious mobile app is one of the biggest recipe databases around. One of my favorite features, though, is that you can sync the recipe box from the website to the app, which makes it easy to browse through great recipes on your phone AND at home. Plus, you can create a shopping list for when you're out and about!

For Local & Seasonal Produce: Locavore

Hevva Corp.

Available in both iPhone and Android versions, I love this app because it makes it SO EASY to know just what's in season. Whether you live in Florida, New York, California, Texas, or anywhere else in the country, you can find out if avocados or papaya or yuca are easily available–plus it's got a locator to find farmer's markets for the best in fresh fruits and vegetables.

For Seeing Nutritional Information Right Away: Fooducate

Fooducate Ltd.

Out grocery shopping and want to see the nutritional information for something you're planning to buy? Well, that's where the iPhone or Android Fooducate app comes in! Learn what's in your food while tracking your weight loss and learning to eat a little better every day.