I literally let out a huge GASP when I saw the video of mom, Meera Thakrar who suddenly fell onto the subway tracks in with her baby. I was totally freaked out to see this woman casually walk up to the edge of the platform with the child wrapped around her and suddenly collapse into the pit. The incident which happened in Cambridge Massachusetts, occured after Thakar had completed a Duck Tour with her son.
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Lucky for her, the onlookers were kind enough to come to her rescue and help her and the infant up to safety. Who knows what happened in those few seconds before she fell, but she really did have a guardian angel looking after her. Maybe she's had one too many sleepless nights because of the baby, but I'm glad to see but both were unharmed and that the good samaritans were willing to lend a helping hand.
Would you have helped out the lady if you had been there? Tell us in the comments box below!
Image via WCSH