During the London 2012 Olympics, Gabby Douglas became the first African-American and first woman of color to win a gold medal in the Women's gymnastics individual all-around competition. With the bubbly 16-year-old's great accomplishment, why are people focusing on her hair? The medalist doesn't seem to get the big deal either, responding that comments about her hair are "stupid" and "crazy".
Readmore ¿Qué más? London 2012 Olympics: 5 reasons Gabby Douglas is a role model for young girls everywhere (VIDEO)
I really have to agree with her. Seriously, why are people all of a sudden talking about the gymnast's hair? Is it really such a big deal how she wears it or should we be focusing on more important things like, say, how great of a role model she is now that she's become a winner. Even if she wasn't a winner, though, we really need to focus on her athleticism and NOT what she looks like. When Gabby saw all the comments about the style she's worn for years during competition, she said:
I don't know where this is coming from. What's wrong with my hair? I'm like, 'I just made history and people are focused on my hair?' It can be bald or short, it doesn't matter about (my) hair. Nothing is going to change. I'm going to wear my hair like this during beam and bar finals. You might as well just stop talking about it. I don't think people should be worried about that. We're all champions and we're all winners. I just say that it's kind of, a stupid and crazy thought to think about my hair.
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I'm really glad that she's standing up for herself and reminding people just how silly all of this is. I mean, really, people? Her HAIR is what you're concerned about? She's an athlete competing in the biggest event in the past four years. Let's just keep the eye on the ball, okay? Congratulations, Gabby, on being a winner AND an all-around stand-up gal.
What do you think about the comments about Gabby's hair? Do you think it was right for her to respond in the way that she did? Share with us in the comments below!
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