I thought I was a pretty smart child but, well, I was definitely NOT a child genius. When it comes to smart kids, though, one kid DEFINITELY has them all beat: 9-year-old Tanishq Abraham who has been enrolled at American River College since he was 7 years old! Apparently the boy genius likes to study anything, particularly science. He's even been invited to GIVE lectures on topics like astronomy and paleontology at the school. Wow! Just… wow!
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It seems to run in the family for this boy, though. He's been a Mensa member since he was just 4 1/2 years old and his sister, currently 6 years old, has also been accepted into the society of people with exceptionally high IQs. In an interview for an episode of "Prodigies", a YouTube show detailing the lives of young geniuses, Tanishq talked about college and the subjects that he likes to study:
I don't mind interacting with other college students. I like it. I like particle physics, all of the anti-matter, and the fate of the universe and the Big Bang.
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Seriously, how adorable is this kid? And how smart! I am truly, truly impressed and inspired by him. Although science has never been my favorite subject, this boy genius definitely gives me a bit of hope that, hey, if HE can learn a difficult subject at such a young age, then maybe I still have a chance, too. In the meantime, though, I wonder if he'll become the youngest kid to earn a college degree. Talk about an accomplishment!
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSYCwxt78jY
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Image via YouTube