What is with up all these wild celebrity kids lately? First Willow Smith tweeted out a picture of herself with a tongue piercing, which later turned out to be fake (thankfully!). And now, Lourdes Leon is taking notes from her mother__, Madonna, by dressing up in that infamous cone bra!__
The 15-year-old tweeted out a picture of herself backstage at her mom's MDNA tour, in which she is sticking out her tongue and grabbing the cones of the bra draped over her clothes. "Lola backstage at MDNA!" she wrote alongside the picture. Later, Madonna herself wore the bra on stage during the concert.
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OK, I know Lourdes has this super famous musician as her parent and all, but I still think this girl is growing up waaay too fast! Call me old-fashioned but I don't think a teenager should be dressing quite so…maturely for her age. She might have just been playing dress-up with the bra (I get it–that is an iconic costume), but there's been plenty of times before this latest incident in which she's been photographed dressing provactively and acting a little too adult for her age. In fact, earlier this year she was even caught smoking a cigarette in New York! My parents would have NEVER let me get away with that kind of behavior when I was that age.
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I understand that all young celebrities live a more advanced lifestyle than the average kid, but I still don't believe that's an excuse for Lourdes to act however she wants. Madonna might be a busy, in-demand, world-recognized icon but she's still a mom– and at the end of the day, that should take priority over everything else.
What do you think of Lourdes' behavior? Tell us in the comments below!
Image via Material Girl/twitter